![]() English
01/QAny feelings in particular, aging with the characters? Is there huge difference in describing the characters, now yourself older than them?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
It seems there are no big differences, to me.
02/QWhat is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?[Julian]
03/QAbout the occult...what kind of view do you have on it? How did you come to accept those matters in Palm? In short, do you really believe in such things? Or did you just put that for certain effects, emphasizing your theme? Can these occult things be called on miracles?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
I am actually an amateur fortune teller and people often ask me the very same question! "Do you believe in such things?" I would say, No, I don't.
04/QIt is said that "satire denounces the world, wit penetrates it, humor accepts it, but nonsense transforms it." In this sense, which of these elements take part in PALM do you think?And which of these elements do you think each character reveals? [P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
I think most of the main characters of PALM reveal the first or the second element. But it seems to me that some characters do the third one - like Shin Gallagher!
05/QWhat about PALM in a film? If you were to direct the film version of the comics, what in character, situation or action of the character(s) would you like to emphasize which the comics did not? Or what would you de-emphasize that you've already emphasized?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
I have already prepared a complete scenario and sketch for an animated "The Sea Shouldn't exist".
06/QHow do you keep your deadlines and discuss with WINGS staff in Australia? Do you mail your work by DHL?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
We set the deadline one month before the real deadline after I moved to AUS.
I send the original by EMS.
07/QIs it impossible to leave James alive?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
Palm started from his death. You'll see the process in future.
08/QThere is a rumor, that James' father is an alien...[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
Could be...
09/QCan James sing? What is his favorite?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
I believe he must be a good singer if he was a good listener.
10/QIs there any Palm merchandise available? If not, what sort would you prefer?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
No and I never thought that someone would ask me that kind of question.
11/QYour son Tasuku, does he still like James best, though he has now grown up? Doesn't he have any other characters in favorite?[P.A.L.M members in HiTEL, Korean net]
I asked him about it. For now, his favorite character in PALM is Boaz Ulmann, he
May 1999 Special thanks to Kerry Mullan