Life Number

Past Life
You endured unfortunate experiences in your past life: you might have been poor, betrayed, or killed.

Your unfortunate past life guaranteed your current karma to be a happy one. Most of you were born in upper middle or higher classes and are blessed with financial resources and good relationships with people. The 3 population is considered to be the biggest among all the life numbers, probably because our human history has been a harsh one.

You are very adaptable to social and environmental changes. By nature, you are cautious, suspicious and logical; on the other hand, you have an aspect to be narrow-minded and also have a tendency to make careless mistakes.

Examplary 3s are non-violent, sincere and have a stable life style. However, there are some 3s who constantly view themselves as victims and nag others into dealing with the consequences of their own actions.

You cannot handle requests and favors from others too well. You are not good at dealing with heavy responsibilities and can get sick from the pressure. Remember to make yourself happy and content before trying to make other people happy.

Physical Traits
Your most common body type is thin. You might give people impression that you are sickly or sad, even if you are not the thin type. In rare cases, you have well-rounded faces, however, your expression is usually a worried one with droopy eye brows. Many of you have plump lips and for some reasons you tend to be ticklish.

You are physically fit and rarely have serious illness but you often come across minor ailments, such as headache, slight fever and minor injuries. You are also sensitive to minor physical discomfort caused by your busy schedules and general fatigue.

You are athletically gifted, have a good memory and are skilled with math calculations. You are also good with mechanical products.

Your Profession
You are a sincere, diligent worker with deep devotion, which often makes you stubborn and inconsiderate to others people's schedule and work plans. You excel in a particular o field and your superiors value your services greatly. You gradually but steadily climb up on the social ladder.

Being too conservative will harm your reputation in your mid career. Your late years are guaranteed to be stable and serene so don't be too calculating too much, especially when your career is at its own peak.

You were born to be much happier and more blessed than any other life numbers. Keep counting your blessings; otherwise your luck will disappear. Being too suspicious will affect your karma negatively.

Your smile gives people a sense of security and brings yourself more luck.

What You Like
You like any kind of delicious food, but you especially love junk food from street venders. You also appreciate expensive meals at fancy restaurants and actually worry about the contents of your upcoming meals.
Celebrities with Life Number 3
Jackie Chan, Alfred Hitchcock, Salvador Dali, Hayao Miyazaki, Brooke Shields, Kevin Costner, Jody Foster, John Travolta, Wiona Ryder, Whoopi Goldberg, Cameron Diaz
Compatibilities with other Life Numbers
3+3 They find each other easily. There are some couples but they are normally best friends bonded with geeky, common interests. Also, (3)s and (8)s often form an exclusive group only by themselves.

3+1 (3) feels secure in (1)'s presence. (1) is soft and gentle to (3) so (3) doesn’t mind serving compliantly for (1) .

3+8 To redeem the agony that they gave (3) in the previous life, (8) has to serve (3) in this incarnation. Strict (8) has a soft spot to (3). You have to keep in mind, though, that you are constantly tasting (8)'s patience. Once your relationship goes sour, there will be hatred between you and (8) and it becomes impossible to restore the bond.

3+7 If everything goes well, this is a very lucky combination, which produces many happy couples. However, if you are the nagging type, the relationship can be very fragile.

3+2 (3) gets attracted to soothing (2). (3) feels comfortable in (2)'s presence, but the relationship tends to get too solid among themselves and alienate other numbers.

3+4 Former loner, (4), have a good compatibility with (3). You are both dreamers and often become couples.

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